Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Sixth Form aims to develop confident, positive, reflective and successful young people. Central to this is our excellent pastoral system.
Students are allocated to forms to encourage them to mix with students from a variety of schools and across different subjects. As far as possible, Form Tutors remain with this group of students throughout their time in the Sixth Form. Form Tutors work in partnership with one of our team of six Senior Tutors to ensure that all students are able to enjoy their time in our Sixth Form, maximise their potential and are prepared for the challenges of the wider world. We also have a Student Support Manager assigned to each year group.
We have trained over sixty of our students to work with new students as Peer Mentors. Each Year 12 form is supported by a small team of Year 13 students to help aid transition to Sixth Form life and A Level study.
We also have a Counsellor who works with students on a range of issues. Students can email directly for an appointment or ask for a referral via their Senior Tutor.
Are you a student seeking support?
We understand that Sixth Form can be a challenging time and that opening up about something you are concerned about can be a big decision. We will always work with you as a young person.
Our staff will use our Supportive 6 approach:
- We will take the time to listen to your concerns – what matters to you, matters to us
- We will let you choose who to talk to and what you want to share
- We will support and empower you to make your own decisions
- We will be non-judgemental, proportionate and transparent in our responses
- We will respect your privacy and confidentiality and seek your consent wherever possible before sharing information
- We will always discuss the next steps with you and help you access appropriate and specialist support on your terms
Say Something Campaign
- We want a school where all students feel safe and valued.
We believe that everyone should try to call out all forms of abuse, bullying, discrimination, harassment and unkindness: we should be allies to all parts of our school community.
If you feel unable to report your concerns to a trusted adult and would like to report something anonymously, please click here.
In any situation, your wellbeing and safety are our top priorities. Either email [email protected] / [email protected] or pop into Student Support to speak to Mrs Roberts or Mrs Thompson.
For access to a comprehensive list of organisations that provide support click here: Useful Sources of Support
"Students feel extremely well represented in school. They talked positively about what leaders and teachers do to ensure that everyone is included and diversity is celebrated. They appreciate immensely the positive relationships that they have forged with teachers. As such, students feel safe."."— Ofsted November 2022