New Year 12

Welcome to Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Sixth Form. This section is aimed at students who are joining us in September but will also give prospective students an insight into life in our Sixth Form.

Every year we welcome students from over 40 secondary schools. Joining CRGS Sixth Form is a fresh start for everyone and an exciting opportunity to make new friends and broaden your horizons. Our students are the very best ambassadors for our Sixth Form and are best placed to give you a real insight into studying A Levels at CRGS. You will have the opportunity to talk with them informally at our Open Evening (November), Options Evenings (during January – March, by invitation after application) and usually you would meet them at one of our popular Student Preview Events (in late June and early July, by invitation, after you have received a conditional offer of a place).  Last year instead of Student Preview Events, we held “Preparing for Sixth Form” webinars where applicants were given a chance to speak to some of our current students.

If you would like to find out more about studying A Levels at our Sixth Form, please click here to watch a video featuring some of our Sixth Form students.

Your Senior Tutor, Form Tutor and Subject Teachers will be on hand, in September, to help you make a smooth transition to Year 12 and answer any questions you might have, especially in the first few days and weeks. In the meantime, we hope you find the following information useful. If you don’t find the answers to your questions, please get in touch by emailing

Enrol on GCSE Results Day

How do I enrol for Sixth Form on GCSE Results Day?

You will receive your GCSE results from your current school on Thursday 22nd August 2024 from 8.00 am onwards.

We use our online Admissions+ portal so that you can enrol without having to come to the Sixth Form in person. Please do not worry: we will ensure that you receive the personalised and individual conversations that you need when you enrol with us.  If you would like a face-to-face meeting at Sixth Form, it will be possible to make an appointment to do this on the day.

I want to change my A Level subject choices. What should I do?

After receiving your GCSE Results, you may wish to change your A Level subject choices. It is only possible to request this change on or after GCSE Results Day, not before. In the vast majority of cases we are able to accommodate these changes. However, in the unlikely event that your requested subject change is not possible, we will ring you to discuss alternative subjects with you.

What to do before you start Sixth Form

Complete the Transition Packs for your chosen subjects

Before the new school year begins, we ask all new Year 12 students to have a look at the Transition Packs for their chosen A Level subjects.  These will be available from June 2024.

How do I buy school uniform?

After GCSE Results Day, when you know your place at Sixth Form has been confirmed, you should buy your uniform from the school suppliers. The suppliers are listed in a separate section with the Uniform Code (below).

Please ensure that your name is sewn or written inside your uniform and on any other belongings that you bring to the Sixth Form.

Explore your options for travelling to the Sixth Form

You are strongly advised to check your transport arrangements before deciding to come to the Sixth Form. The summer break is an ideal time to research your options and try making the journey.

Further information is provided in ‘Getting to Clitheroe’ (below).


What will happen on my first day?

The first day of term for all Year 12 students is Wednesday 4th September. Please arrive for 8.50 am on that day.

When you arrive, we will show you to your form room where you will meet your Form Tutor and Senior Tutor.  You will be given your timetable and a tour of the school.  You will also spend time with your form group getting to know other students.

Please remember to bring paper and writing materials as you might need these on your first day.


How will I be helped to settle into the Sixth Form?

You will take part in an Induction Programme, including tours and talks on various aspects of Sixth Form life, as well as finding out more about a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Subject teachers treat the first three weeks of term as an introductory period.  It is hoped that any students who feel that they have made the wrong choice of subject and wish to make a change will do so within this initial period.  Your Senior Tutor will be able to help you with this.

Student Support

Who will support me and monitor my progress?

We have a wide range of support available to all students at the Sixth Form. Please follow this link here for a summary of the support available.

You will be allocated to a Form Group of approximately 25 students. Your Form Tutor will remain with your form throughout your time in the Sixth Form. Form Tutors work in partnership with one of our team of Senior Tutors to ensure that you enjoy your time at the Sixth Form, maximise your potential and are prepared for the challenges of the wider world.

We have a Student Support Manager assigned to each year group. We also have a Counsellor who works with students on a range of issues. Students can email directly for an appointment, call into Student Support or ask for a referral via their Senior Tutor. The Inclusion Manger (SENDCO) also works with students who have Special Educational Needs.

We have a very experienced full-time Careers Advisor who is available for students to make individual appointments with her. This could be regarding advice and guidance about university, apprenticeship or job applications and gap years. In the same office, we have a dedicated member of staff who assists students with finding and organising high quality work experience. 

Academic support is offered by the subject departments by specialist subject teachers. Our staff will help you reach your full potential by providing high quality tuition, feedback on your progress, extra-curricular opportunities and guidance. The help you get from subject teachers extends beyond your lessons.  Many subjects run lunchtime support sessions for you to attend.

The full-time Librarian helps students to find relevant, up-to-date resources in the Library. She also creates study skills resources to assist students.

In addition, some students will be identified to take part in our Mentoring Programme. Students are identified for mentoring on the basis of attainment compared with target grades, commitment to learning, attendance and nomination by Form or Senior Tutor.

The School Day

What are the times of registration, lessons and breaks?

Please arrive at Sixth Form punctually for your first lesson of the school day. All students must attend Guidance at 9.00 a.m. each Tuesday during Period 1.

If you wish, you are allowed to go home after your final lesson / Directed Study Period of the day.  You are also free to leave the site at other times.

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday there are five lessons, which finish at 3.45pm.  On Wednesday there are four lessons, which finish at 2.30pm.  Each lesson lasts for one hour and there are three lessons in a morning. There is a 15-minute break between lessons in the morning and afternoon and we have a one hour break at lunchtime from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. These times are summarised  below, however please note that they might be adjusted for different year group bubbles as part of the Sixth Form’s Re-opening Arrangements this September:

9.00 – 10.00 am – Period 1

10.15 – 11.15 am – Period 2

11.30 – 12.30 am – Period 3

12.30 – 1.30 pm – Lunch

1.30 – 2.30 pm – Period 4

2.45 – 3.45 pm – Period 5 (not Wednesdays)

What are the arrangements for lunchtime?

Lunchtime is from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. Student-led clubs and societies meet during lunchtimes. Often departments run lunchtime support sessions for students to get help with their academic subjects. You can buy lunch in our Canteen.  A wide variety of good quality, reasonably priced food is available at both morning breaks as well as at lunchtime.  Alternatively, you can bring your own lunch from home.  Many students also go to local shops in Clitheroe for lunch.

Studying at CRGS

How are A Levels different from GCSEs?

At A Level you will study your subjects to a greater depth.  You will study fewer subjects, but each one will be studied in more detail and with more independent learning.  Another difference is that you will not have a lesson during every period of the timetable.  In Year 12 you will have four lessons per subject and in Year 13 you will have five lessons per subject. This is so that you can study independently to consolidate your learning and prepare for your next lessons.

A general guideline is that for each subject, you should be studying approximately the same number of hours outside lessons as you spend in lessons each week. So, for example, 4 hours of lessons in a subject should be matched by 4 hours of independent study in that subject per week. Therefore, you should be completing approximately 16 hours of independent study each week, as a minimum.

Work outside lessons is made up of specific tasks set by your teacher (for example, practice questions or essays, guided note-making) and study completed on your own initiative (such as reviewing notes, wider reading, creating revision materials or using online resources).

In order to assist your transition from GCSE to A Level study, you should complete the Transition Packs for your chosen subjects before you begin Year 12. The packs are listed on this page (above) in the section called ‘What to do before you start Sixth Form’.

What are Directed Study Periods (DSPs)?

Initially, you will be allocated two Directed Study Periods (DSPs) on your timetable when you are expected to sign in and work independently in the Library or Quad.  This is intended to support you in developing good study habits and become an increasingly independent learner.


How can I keep organised?

You will be given a Student Planner at the start of term. It is vital that you organise and manage your time effectively so that you know what needs to be done and when it has to be handed in.  As part of your Guidance Programme, we will discuss different strategies to help you organise and manage your time.


Where can I study in school?

There are several areas in the Sixth Form where you may undertake independent study during your Study Period.  These include the Library, Quad and dedicated computer suites.


What computer facilities are provided?

We have several computer suites in school as well as networked PCs in the Quad. We also have a selection of laptops and iPads available for use in the Library. These can be booked in advance. We also encourage you to bring your own device (smartphone, laptop or tablet) to use in both lessons and for independent study and you will be able to connect to the WiFi.

Can I access Wi-Fi at the Sixth Form?

The whole of our Sixth Form site has Wi-Fi coverage. Students can use this at any time.

What happens if I find the work difficult?

We know that it is not always easy to make the transition to A Level study.  Our staff will help you reach your full potential by providing high quality tuition, feedback on your progress, extra-curricular opportunities and guidance. The help you get from subject teachers extends beyond your lessons.  Many subjects run lunchtime support sessions for you to attend.  Timetables for these sessions are displayed around the classrooms for each subject in September and your subject teachers will make you aware of them.  We strongly recommend that, if you are struggling with a concept or piece of work, then you should take steps to ask for help and clarification from your teacher straightaway.

What extra-curricular opportunities are there at the Sixth Form?

There are many student-led clubs and societies at Sixth Form. You will be able to join these clubs and societies within your first few weeks at Sixth Form, when you visit our Freshers’ Fair. These are in addition to drama, music and sporting opportunities as well as many trips and visits.


Getting to Clitheroe

How do I get to Clitheroe?

You are strongly advised to check your transport arrangements before deciding to come to the Sixth Form. View your travel options on the Transport page of our Parents section.

Travelling by bus: If you are not familiar with the bus services from your area to Clitheroe, please visit Traveline for useful travel and route information.

Travelling by car: There is limited free parking in nearby locations and we ask that students show consideration towards local residents at all times. The car park at the York Street Sixth Form site is not available for students to park.


What happens if I am unable to attend the Sixth Form?

Excellent attendance is important if you are to achieve your potential. If you are ill, a parent or carer should contact the Sixth Form by 10.00a.m. by email or by telephone (01200 423118)

School should be informed of any planned absences before they happen. This includes attendance at University Open Days. A green ‘Request for Authorised Absence’ form is available at Reception for this purpose.

Permission to take holidays during term time is only granted in exceptional circumstances. A letter detailing the request must be sent well in advance to the Deputy Headteacher/Head of Sixth Form at

What happens if I feel unwell during the day?

If you feel unwell during the school day, you should report to Reception and we will contact a parent or carer wherever possible. First Aid can also can also be requested at Reception. Students should never go home due to illness without signing out at Reception.

Uniform and Code of Conduct

What are the uniform regulations?

Students should remember that whenever they are wearing our uniform they are representing the school. Please read the current CRGS Sixth Form Uniform Guide

It is easier to return lost property if your uniform and other belongings are named.

Where can I buy uniform?

Uniform is available from the following suppliers.

  • Ribble Valley School Supplies (RVS) – 
    Bank House, Harris Court, Wellgate, Clitheroe BB7 2DP (Telephone 01200 443733)
    Uniform can be either bought in store or online through their website. Opening hours are 8.30am- 5.30pm Mon-Fri; 8.30am-5pm Sat.
  •  Grays Schoolwear –
    22 Lowergate, Clitheroe  BB7 1AD (opening mid June 2023)
    68 Northgate, Blackburn BB2 1AA (Telephone 01254 51425)
    School uniform can be either bought in store or online through their website.  Opening hours are 9am- 5pm Mon-Sat.
Code of Conduct & Learning Agreement

You will sign a Code of Conduct and Learning Agreement when you join the Sixth Form.  These documents outline student expectations and responsibilities as well as what you can expect from the Sixth Form in return.