
The subjects currently on offer at A Level are:

Browse the Subject Information Sheets
Art and Design
Classical Civilisation
Computer Science
Design Technology
Drama and Theatre
English Language
English Literature
English Combined
Further Mathematics
Physical Education
Religious Studies



The curriculum at CRGS Sixth Form is personalised to each individual. It offers a flexible approach for students, facilitating the most appropriate programme of study and opportunities for future paths. The curriculum also reflects our philosophy and aims to encourage students to:

  • Develop lively, enquiring minds capable of original thought and well-balanced critical argument.
  • Become confident, independent learners well-equipped for lifelong learning.
  • Derive enjoyment from their learning which should extend their intellectual capacity, develop their interest and stimulate their curiosity.
  • Embrace the many opportunities afforded by developments in information and communication technologies, whilst fully accepting the responsibilities that go with using them properly.
  • Engage in a broad programme of experiences which enable them to appreciate their cultural inheritance and understand more about themselves and the world in which they live.
  • Develop the capacities to make informed, rational and responsible decisions and to work in ways which enhance their self-respect and sensitivity to the needs of others, particularly those less advantaged than themselves.
  • Develop a range of reasoned beliefs and values and a sympathy and respect for those held by others, which will prepare them to become considerate and responsible citizens.

Our Sixth Form curriculum offers students the opportunity to study A Levels and reach the highest possible standards of attainment. On offer is a diverse range of 26 A Levels.

We give students a free choice of subjects and then plan our timetable based on their choices.

All students study linear A Levels which are examined at the end of the two-year course. In addition, students have the opportunity to undertake an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and Core Maths. Applicants to the Sixth Form are initially asked to choose 4 A Level subjects in order of preference and they have the opportunity to discuss their choices at an Options Meeting in January-March. Currently, the majority of students start with 4 A Levels, with many deciding to focus on their three chosen subjects after a few months.

The CRGS Study Programme also includes a weekly guidance programme and a compulsory week of Work Experience.

We have received a small amount of funding from the 16-19 Tuition Fund.

Click the links below to download each document.


The curriculum is carefully constructed across all key stages. It is meticulously designed to meet students' needs and interests. Leaders ensure that the curriculum enables students to explore subjects in great depth and rigour. Learning is often supplemented with wider subject-related reading, projects and overseas trips. Students are encouraged to be independent and resilient learners. They leave school as critical thinkers who have a thirst for knowledge. Students make exceptional progress through the curriculum. They achieve highly."

— Ofsted November 2022