Beyond CRGS

We are very proud of the achievements of our students.


The overwhelming majority of CRGS students go on to Higher Education. Our students are discerning and ambitious to get onto the very best courses at the top universities, with most progressing to their destination of choice. We have a strong track record of success in supporting students onto highly competitive courses such as Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry.

Employment and Apprenticeships

Increasingly, our students are also successful in applying for Higher Level Apprenticeships / employment and training with major employers, including BAE Systems, Johnson Matthey, Rolls Royce, Leyland Trucks, and the Civil Service to name a few.

Gap Years

Typically 90% of our students progress immediately to university.  An increasing number of students opt to take a Gap Year to gain valuable work experience and skills before applying to university or employment.

Our Sixth Form VLE provides details of University, Apprenticeship, Employment and Gap Year opportunities and options.

Popular Destinations

In recent years, the following universities have proved to be the most popular: Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Imperial, Newcastle, Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan, Northumbria, Leeds, Leeds Beckett, Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores, Lancaster, Nottingham, Salford, UCLAN, York, UCL, Loughborough, Bradford, Exeter, Southampton, Bath, Hull, Keele, Warwick, Aberystwyth and Bristol.

The destination list varies from year to year and students are increasingly using resources such as The Scholarship Hub and The Complete University Guide to research scholarships and bursaries. The financial support package is becoming an increasingly important part of the decision-making process. Further information about Student Finance is available on our Financial Assistance webpage in the Parents section here.

Student Destinations 2024

Student Destinations 2023

Student Destinations 2022

Student Destinations 2021

Student Destinations 2020


All former students are welcome to join our CRGS alumni network on LinkedIn.

"Leaders provide high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance. Students receive meaningful encounters with the world of work and expert guidance from well-trained staff. Leaders have also facilitated international work experiences, enterprise days and talks from industry experts to ensure that pupils can aim high and truly consider their career options. A high proportion of students successfully gain places on reputable university programmes."

— Ofsted November 2022