
The internet is a great way to discover, create and connect with people. Issues around the safe use of the internet and cyberbullying are taken very seriously at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School, ensuring that students can use the full benefits of online technologies whilst remaining safe and secure. We proactively promote eSafety and the prevention of cyberbullying. Miss Renold is the member of the Senior Leadership team with responsibility for ICT and eSafety.

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary July 2024

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary June 2024


Online Safety Newsletter Secondary May 2024

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary March 2024

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary February 2024

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary January 2024

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary December 2023

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary October 2023

4th October – Online Safety Session for Parents – Flyer

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary September 2023

Online Safety Newsletter Secondary July/August 2023

Online Safety Newsletter April 2023 – Online influencers

Online Safety Newsletter Dec 2022 – Ask the Awkward

Online Safety Newsletter July 2022 – Conversations and TikTok

Online Safety Newsletter February 2022 – Safer Internet Day – ‘All fun and games’

Youtube poster – advice for parents

Latest videos for students, delivered as part of PSHE in Guidance:

October 2021 Online safety newsletter for parents/carers:

Online Safety Newsletter October 2021 – click here to download

February 2021 Online Safety newsletter for parents/carers:

To download and select links click here

"Students say how confident they feel in identifying potential risks and dangers, especially as a result of using the internet, and in tackling issues such as anonymous e-mails, cyberbullying, extremist website influences, and potential threats posed by social media."

— Dr Andy Swallow (School Inspector 2015)