We have a wealth of support available to all students at Main School. Please follow this link for a summary of the support available.
As a school we place a great deal of emphasis on developing healthy, emotionally resilient young people who are equipped to cope with challenges that every individual encounters as they progress into adulthood. We have an exemplary pastoral system and strong relationships with parents and carers.
Our student support provision has evolved greatly in recent years and we are now pleased to be building an even stronger team to support our students. Our Main School Pastoral Team comprises senior pastoral staff, Heads of Year, our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, SENDCO, Pupil Premium Intervention and Support Worker and Teaching Assistants. The team is committed, enthusiastic, caring and welcoming and we work together to offer the best support we can for our students.
Students are allocated to a form group and are supported by their Form Tutor and Head of Year throughout their time at the school. In addition to providing pastoral care, Form Tutors deliver parts of the PSHE and Citizenship curriculum. This includes teaching on positive psychology, mindsets and protecting emotional health within the programmes of study for Years 7-11. To view the full PSHE and Citizenship programme please go to the Main School Curriculum page.
Students join a warm, welcoming community where all students want to achieve their very best. We have a team of Peer Mentors, Prefects and other Student Leaders who support students on transition and throughout their first year at school.
Academic support is offered by each subject area, often including additional lunch-time or after-school sessions. We also have a successful academic mentoring programme for students who may need additional support alongside a range of other interventions such as organisational skills, handwriting development and a drop-in study skills programme run by Year 11 Teaching and Learning Ambassadors.
Targeted support is offered to those who want to access it through our School Counsellor who works at the Main School site 2 days per week, offering 1:1 support to students. We have a school nurse who will see students 1-1 on request. We also work closely with a large range of external services including the Children and Family Wellbeing Services, Child Action North West, Children’s Social Care, East Lancashire Child & Adolescent Services, Reach Out, AddAction and other local providers of support for young people and their families.
In addition, as part of our commitment to positive emotional health and wellbeing, students have the opportunity to take part in the Lancashire Healthy Minds Wellbeing Challenge, Emotional Health and Wellbeing focus days, the Girls Active programme and drop-in sessions about healthy minds, sleep and managing feelings in a positive way.
When you visit our school please talk to our students about the support they receive from staff, their peers and other agencies. We believe our students are the best ambassadors for Clitheroe Royal Grammar School.
Are you a student seeking support?
We understand that opening up about something you are concerned about can be a big decision. We will always work with you as a young person.
Our staff will use our Supportive 6 approach:
- We will take the time to listen to your concerns – what matters to you, matters to us
- We will let you choose who to talk to and what you want to share
- We will support and empower you to make your own decisions
- We will be non-judgemental, proportionate and transparent in our responses
- We will respect your privacy and confidentiality and seek your consent wherever possible before sharing information
- We will always discuss the next steps with you and help you access appropriate and specialist support on your terms
Say Something Campaign
- We want a school where all students feel safe and valued.
We believe that everyone should try to call out all forms of abuse, bullying, discrimination, harassment and unkindness: we should be allies to all parts of our school community.
If you feel unable to report your concerns to a trusted adult and would like to report something anonymously, please click here.
In any situation, your wellbeing and safety are our top priorities. Either email [email protected], pop into the Nest to speak to the Student Support Managers, talk to your Head of Year or another member of staff you trust.
For access to a comprehensive list of organisations that provide support click here: Useful Sources of Support
"Leaders are proactive in their approach to identifying and supporting pupils and students who are vulnerable or might be at risk of harm. For example, they utilise specialist agencies effectively to support pupils and their families at the first sign of difficulties or concerns." "Pupils and students learn about how to keep themselves safe from risks such as harmful sexual behaviour and online abuse. They are well informed on how to report concerns."— Ofsted November 2022