
The curriculum at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School reflects our philosophy and aims to encourage students to:

  • Develop lively, enquiring minds capable of original thought and well-balanced critical argument.
  • Become confident, independent learners well-equipped for lifelong learning.
  • Derive enjoyment from their learning which should extend their intellectual capacity, develop their interest and stimulate their curiosity.
  • Embrace the many opportunities afforded by developments in information and communication technologies, whilst fully accepting the responsibilities that go with using them properly.
  • Engage in a broad programme of experiences which enable them to appreciate their cultural inheritance and understand more about themselves and the world in which they live.
  • Develop the capacities to make informed, rational and responsible decisions and to work in ways which enhance their self-respect and sensitivity to the needs of others, particularly those less advantaged than themselves.
  • Develop a range of reasoned beliefs and values and a sympathy and respect for those held by others, which will prepare them to become considerate and responsible citizens.

We provide education that is suited to able students and there is great emphasis on academic excellence. Students need to secure the best achievable qualifications. However, we firmly believe that the value of our curriculum goes beyond purely what is examinable. The curriculum is broad and balanced, recognises national guidelines and fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum and beyond.

It is our intention to lay secure foundations for progression into Further and Higher Education and we consider preparation for Sixth Form Advanced Level study to be a key feature of our 11-16 education.

Our curriculum includes a wide variety of enrichment activities and we encourage students to take full advantage of these.

Lessons are taught by highly qualified and motivated staff all of whom are experts in their subject. All departments are well resourced and use the latest computer technology.

Students in Years 7-9 (Key Stage 3) follow a broad and balanced curriculum. In Year 9 students commence the GCSE courses in Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There is a wide range of GCSE subjects to choose in Year 10. All students take Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, three separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), a humanity subject (Geography, History or Religious Studies) and a modern foreign language (French, German or Spanish). In addition, further options are available. Most students achieve 10 full GCSE qualifications in total.

Please see our Curriculum Policy and Key Stage 3 and 4 Curriculum Summaries 2024-2025 for more detail of each subject.

Year 8 Options booklet 2025

Year 8 Options Assembly

Year 9 GCSE Options Booklet 2025

Year 9 Options Assembly 2025

Year 9 CRGS Key Stage 4 student and parent booklet

View our Personal Development Curriculum Map Main School and Sixth Form – 2024-2025 and the Year 9 Relationships and Sex Education – Scheme of Work -2024-2025

Visit our Literacy and Communication Strategy

Commitment to learning – definitions for each grade

Please contact Miss Renold (Deputy Headteacher – Main School) for further information on the school curriculum.

"The curriculum is carefully constructed across all key stages. It is meticulously designed to meet pupils’ and students’ needs and interests. A high proportion of pupils study the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects in key stage 4. This is because of the high importance that leaders place on pupils studying languages." "Leaders ensure that the curriculum enables pupils and students to explore subjects in great depth and rigour. Learning is often supplemented with wider subject-related reading, projects and overseas trips. Pupils and students are encouraged to be independent and resilient learners. They leave school as critical thinkers who have a thirst for knowledge. Pupils and students make exceptional progress through the curriculum. They achieve highly."

— Ofsted November 2022