

The Governors of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School play a vital role in providing strategic leadership, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend. They support the school and Headteacher in promoting high standards of educational achievement and welfare of students and monitoring and reviewing the aims and objectives, targets and policies.

The Governors are also the Trustees of the Academy Trust.

Dr Andrew David Clayton Foundation Governor (Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor)
Mr Michael John Blacklidge Foundation Governor (Vice-Chair of Governors)
Mrs Seema Chudasama Parent Governor
Dr Paul Elmer Parent Governor
Miss Sarah Flook Staff Governor
Mr Michael Neil Frankish Co-opted Governor (Chair of Finance and Audit Committee)
Mr Shoaib Hashmi Parent Governor
Mr Alan Joseph Hawkins Co-opted Governor
Mr James Matthew Hendrik Keulemans Headteacher and Accounting Officer
Mrs Charu Lehner Community Governor (Mental Health and Wellbeing Governor)
Ms Sarah Lever Parent Governor
Mr Michele Angelo Longhi Staff Governor
Mr Alan Edwin Rogers Foundation Governor
Mr Alan Frederick Scholfield Community Governor (Chair of Estates Committee)
Mrs Sherryl Turner Foundation Governor (CEIAG Governor)
Mr Charles Peter Watson Community Governor
Mrs Hilary Frances Wilson Member Governor (SEND Governor)
Ms Kim Spooner Governance Professional and Clerk to the Governors

The Register of Interests for the Governors/Trustees of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School can be found here.

Contact details for all the school governors are as follows:

Clitheroe Royal Grammar School
York Street
Tel: 01200 423118

The types of Governor are specified in the Articles of Association of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School (the Academy Trust). It is designed to be representative both of the local community and of those with a valid interest in the well-being of the school.

The Governors at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School comprise: 5 Foundation Governors, 4 Parent Governors, 3 Staff Governors, 4 Community Governors, 3 Co-opted Governors, 1 Member Governor and the Headteacher (ex officio Governor).

Categories of Governor

Foundation Governors

The Foundation Governors at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School are appointed by the Trustees of the charity of the school, The Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Foundation, and are appointed for the purpose of securing that the character of the school is preserved and developed i.e. a selective 11 to 16 grammar school with an open access sixth form. They are also appointed to ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with the Foundation’s governing documents.

Parent Governors

Parents, including carers, of registered pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election as a Parent Governor. They are elected by other parents at the school.

Staff Governors

The three Staff Governors are elected by the school staff. Both teaching and support staff paid to work at the school are eligible for staff governorship.

Community Governors

Community Governors are appointed to represent community interests. They are people who live or work in the community served by the school, or people who live outside of the immediate area and who are committed to the good governance and success of the school.

Co-opted Governors

The Governors may appoint up to three co-opted Governors to provide particular expertise, experience and skills.

Member Governor

The Members of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School (the Academy Trust) may appoint up to one Governor.

The Headteacher (ex officio)

Under the Articles of Association the Headteacher at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School is a Governor.

Full Governors’ meetings are held 3 times per year.

The following committees meet as appropriate:

  • Admissions Committee
  • Chair’s Committee
  • Estates Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Students and Staffing Committee
  • Curriculum and Achievement Committee

At these meetings specific issues are discussed in greater detail.  Please follow this link for the full 2023-2024 calendar of meetings.

Agenda and minutes of governor meetings are available on request by contacting the Bursar (

Please follow this link for the terms of reference of the committees.

Please follow this link for details of membership of the committees.

Please follow this link for a record of Governors’ attendance at Governors’ and Committee meetings for the past academic year.

Any request for further details regarding the policies and procedures of the Governors should be addressed to Dr. A. D. Clayton, Chairman of Governors, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School, Chatburn Road, Clitheroe, BB7 2BA.

Links to key documents are available below:

View the Annual Report 2022-2023
View the Annual Report 2021-2022
View the Annual Report 2020-2021
View the Annual Report 2019-2020
View the Annual Report 2018-2019
View the Annual Report 2017-2018
View the Annual Report 2016-2017
View the Annual Report 2015-2016
View the Annual Report 2014-2015
View the Annual Report 2013-2014
View the Governors’ Code of Conduct
View the Governors’ Conflict of Interest and/or Loyalty Policy
View the Funding Agreement
View the Deed of Variation to the Funding Agreement November 2023
View the Governors’ Standing Orders
View the Articles of Association (Revised December 2018)
View the Value for Money Statement


The current members of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School are:

Mrs Judith Mary Child
Dr Andrew David Clayton
Mr William David Honeywell
Mrs Jennifer Susan Hart
Mr Alan Edwin Rogers

The key responsibilities of the Members of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School, which is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity, are:

  • To hold the Governors of the school (who are also the Trustees of the charity) to account for the successful governance of the Academy Trust and the furtherance of the Trust’s charitable objects.
  • To appoint a single Member Governor (Trustee), in accordance with the Trust’s Articles of Association.
  • To appoint or remove auditors.
  • To receive the Trust’s Annual Accounts.
  • To appoint new Members.
  • To amend the Trust’s Articles of Association (but only with the written agreement of the Trustees of The Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Foundation Reg Charity No. 1174177).

The Register of Interests for the Members of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School can be found here.

Executive Pay 2022-2023

The number of employees whose benefits (excluding employer pension contributions) exceeded £100,000:

Benefit                                                            Employees
£110,001 to £120,000                                                 1