Developing British Values, Preventing Radicalisation and Preparing our Students for Life in Modern Britain
This webpage aims to summarise how, as a school community, we are helping our students to develop “British values” and how we work to prevent radicalisation in a range of areas.
We meet the requirements set out in Section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our students.
Upholding and developing British Values
As a historic school with roots very firmly in British tradition and establishment we understand the importance of a connection with both the past and the very best of contemporary Britain. Our students are fortunate to be educated in a school which prides itself on its traditions and values yet has twenty first century facilities and resourcing.
We have determined “British Values” to be:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
(Source: DfE Press Release 23.6.14 )
As a school we aim to develop and nurture these by:
- Planning a vibrant, engaging Assembly [Collective Worship] programme with core ethical values and beliefs at its heart
- A well-structured Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education programme which addressed all of the requirement of the programmes of study (looking at Democracy, Freedom, the rule of law, Human Rights and responsibilities)
- A strong Religious Studies and Ethics programme at every Key Stage, including a well-respected annual Ethics & Philosophy Conference at the Sixth Form centre. Our students are taught to understand that all citizens have the freedom to choose and hold faith and beliefs and that this right is protected in law.
- A strong Politics department at KS5, preparing students well to study this subject in Higher Education
- Effective and well managed School Councils on both sites, enabling students to actively participate in and experience the power of the democratic process
- A broad and balanced curriculum which addresses many of these core values across a range of subject areas
- Having a clearly communicated and consistently applied Behaviour Policy so that students understand what is expected of them and the consequences of both meeting and failing to meet these expectations
- A Code of Conduct which is regularly communicated and referred to with students, reiterating that we are a school community built on mutual respect and understanding
- Adopting restorative approaches, where possible, to resolve any difficulties between members of our school community
- Having a rigorous commitment to student safety (for example: trips and visits policy and procedures, Safeguarding procedures, Code of Conduct and Health and Safety procedures.)
- Celebration of the diverse nature of our school community through menus, themed days/events, the Assembly programme, the teaching of World Music and the choice of texts/resources across the curriculum
- Celebrating achievement beyond the classroom (in areas such as The Arts and Sport.)
In addition, please see bullet points below relating to how we aim to eliminate the possibility of Radicalisation as many of these actions/steps also assist us in affirming and reinforcing core “British Values” of tolerance, respect and the rule of law.
Citizens who feel respected, connected and valued within a community are far less likely to be at risk of radicalisation.
We have defined Radicalisation as, “a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that (1) reject or undermine the status quo or (2) reject and/or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice.”
We believe it is when someone feels marginalised or under-valued that there is a greater opportunity for such extremism to be fostered. We aim to prevent the radicalisation of our students/staff by:
- Celebrating diversity through our curricular content (for example- see our SMSC curriculum audit)
- Providing menu options on both sites to meet specific dietary requirements
- Providing opportunities/facilities for personal prayer and reflection during the school day
- Making provision for specific periods of religious observance (such as during the month of Ramadan)
- Planning calendared events with consideration of significant periods of religious observance (such as Parents Evenings and Ramadan, for example)
- Providing an enriching and diverse Assembly programme with speakers from a range of religious traditions and belief systems
- Providing a Guidance (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education programme) that celebrates diversity, challenges stereotypes and addresses issues such as discrimination and prejudice in society as a whole
- Have a school uniform which can be adapted appropriately to meet the requirements of religious dress codes
- Authorising absence appropriately for religious observance
- Ensuring that student rewards programmes offer rewards that are appropriate to those of all faiths and none
- Making provision for students who are in periods of religious observance (such as Ramadan) during school visits/residential stays
- Making provision for religious requirements linked to modesty and appropriate segregation by gender during school visits or residential opportunities
- Providing Work Experience placements at KS4 and 5 which offer all students the opportunity to explore career aspirations and raise expectations
- Ensure students learn about how citizens can positively influence decision-making through the democratic process
- Monitoring all job applications in our aim for diversity within our staffing
- Educate students about the protected characteristics detailed within the Equality Act 2010
- Respond rapidly, rigorously and appropriately to any reported incidents of a racist or discriminatory nature, adhering to Local Authority reporting protocols, as required
- Including teaching materials from the PREVENT programme into our PSHCE programmes of study
- Liaising closely with the Police’s Lancashire PREVENT team where a young person’s behaviour or expressed beliefs give us cause for concern
- Reinforcing the Teachers Standards (2012) through our Appraisal of teaching staff. Our teachers “uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school.”
In summary, our aim is to develop well rounded, educated and reflective students who can confidently move forward beyond school and find their place in the world. We want our students to:
- Develop lively, enquiring minds capable of original thought and well-balanced critical argument.
- Become confident, independent learners well-equipped for lifelong learning.
- Derive enjoyment from their learning which should extend their intellectual capacity, develop their interest and stimulate their curiosity.
- Embrace the many opportunities afforded by developments in information and communication technologies, whilst fully accepting the responsibilities that go with using them properly.
- Engage in a broad programme of experiences which enable them to appreciate their cultural inheritance and to understand more about themselves and the world in which they live.
- Develop the capacities to make informed, rational and responsible decisions and to work in ways which enhance their self-respect and sensitivity to the needs of others, particularly those less advantaged than themselves.
- Show respect for each other and all people working in the school, and to appreciate the diverse talents that contribute to our school community.
- To play a full part in creating a caring, supportive school environment.
- Develop a range of reasoned beliefs and values and a sympathy and respect for those held by others, which will prepare them to become considerate and responsible citizens.
- Display self-discipline and proper regard for authority.
- Foster good behaviour and to avoid all forms of bullying
How do we prepare our students for life in Modern Britain?
CRGS | Main School | Sixth Form |
Assembly programme: diverse faiths and belief systems
Celebration of students’ “multiple identities” as 21st century UK citizens and CRGS students
Student leadership programmes
Charity Committees involvement and impact
Community involvement and projects (such as with the elderly, local schools, local charities etc)
Environmental groups and projects
Teaching students about UK law, role & responsibilities as a citizen and duties to others (e.g. through how we respond to any incidents of bullying/discriminatory behaviour)
Code of Conduct which reinforces positive citizenship and behaviour within the wider community
Diversity of resources and texts used within the curriculum: celebrate diversity
Student voice consultations and questionnaires (participation)
We work closely with a range of outside bodies such as the PREVENT team
Whole-school Careers Education, Information and Guidance strategy and implementation
Careers element to PSHE in Years 7-11
PSHE programme in Years 7 & 8 (with Form Tutors)
Specialist PSHE taught programme in Years 9-11: covers issues of personal safety, emotional health & wellbeing, financial education, relationships, radicalisation, FGM, forced marriage, grooming/exploitation and modern slavery
Religious Studies curriculum in Years 7-9 and GCSE RS at KS4
Core Religious Education programme at KS4
School Council: democracy in action
Societies Challenge: leadership, celebration of difference
E-technology and computing curriculum
Year 11 students explore the Equality Act (2010): their rights & responsibilities in PSHE
KS4 English curriculum: Migration, Trade Unions, Media and the Free Press, NGOs and humanitarian crises
Careers elements to the Guidance programme in Year 12 and 13
Guidance programme at KS5
Ethics & Philosophy Conference
Work Experience in Y12
Bar Mock Trial
“Safe Drive, Stay Alive” event for Year 12
Extended Project Qualification projects often focus on themes such as Disability, Migration, free speech and censorship
A Level Business curriculum covers: Migration, Trade unions, Pressure and interest groups, Disability discrimination, UN, NATO, Commonwealth and the World Trade Organisation
Please click here to find a document detailing how we help students develop British Values in our Citizenship and PSHE lessons. This link will take you to feedback on Parliament Week from a group of Year 8 students.
A report from the Chair of our Main School Charity Committee on how the work of the committee helps students develop British Values is available here.