On Thursday 29th June 2017 Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Sixth Form held its annual Ethics, Philosophy and Religion Conference. The day welcomed a number of speakers from a variety of backgrounds to discuss the topics of religion, ethnicity and social injustice. Year 12 students were given the choice of either attending three workshops or attending a full-day workshop surrounding the Holocaust. The day was a fantastic opportunity to engage students in current social issues such as the refugee crisis and terrorism and allowed them to learn about less well-known beliefs and values such as Quakerism and Humanism. It was also a day to think and reflect as well as to discover a spiritual side through meditation techniques.
As the day progressed, students engaged in and sparked debates with others. One student said, “It was interesting to listen to the different points of view and gain a greater understanding of various social standpoints …” Once the workshops had concluded, students were invited to observe a panel of the guest speakers as they debated questions asked by the students such as, “Would the world be a better place without religion?” and “Should terrorists lose their basic human rights?” This sparked compelling debates surrounding many ethical, philosophical and religious viewpoints.
The day as a whole was a great success in allowing us to broaden our minds and beliefs. Not only did we get to talk to people who we may never have had the chance to meet, but we also experienced a way of thinking that will stay with us throughout our school career and beyond.
Many thanks to the guests who took time out of their day to educate us and to make the day a memorable one, both for students and our teachers.
Isabel Ellis and Matthew Ling
Year 12 Senior Prefects
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