11 Oxbridge Offers for CRGS Students
We would like to congratulate the 11 Clitheroe Royal Grammar School students with Oxford University and Cambridge University offers – and well done to all students who applied to these two highly competitive universities. We wish them all every success!
The students who have received offers are listed below:
Name | Subject | University | College |
Clare McKenna | Classics | Cambridge | St. Catharine’s |
Mary Peachey | History and Politics | Cambridge | Selwyn |
James Webb | Modern Languages | Cambridge | Emmanuel |
Caitlin Webb | Modern and Medieval Language | Cambridge | Newnham |
Eleanor Bolton | Biological Sciences | Oxford | Keble |
Rosa Handscomb | Classics and English | Oxford | Wadham |
Boris Andrews | Maths | Oxford | Worcester |
Afrose Dor | Medicine | Oxford | Wadham |
Julia Johnstone | Medicine | Oxford | Lincoln |
Adam McMeekin | Modern Languages | Oxford | New College |
Katy Whadcock | Psychology | Oxford | Wadham |
Unfortunately our group photograph does not include Clare McKenna who was taking her driving test at the time. One student, Adam McMeekin, is taking a Gap Year, having decided to apply this year after receiving his A Level results in Summer 2016 (he is therefore not in uniform).
Included within the photograph are brother and sister Caitlin and James Webb who have both received offers from Cambridge University (Newnham and Emmanuel College respectively).
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