During lockdown we have made provision in school for key students, providing the greatest amount of flexibility possible for parents and carers. Two Main School students report below on their experiences whilst attending CRGS+.
As a student at CRGS+, I am having a wonderful time! All the teachers are working really hard to keep us happy and off our screens as much as possible and they have been arranging no end of fun activities to keep us busy in our spare time! These range from science experiments, basketball and origami to building mini working parachutes. My friend even built a tiny hotel for hard boiled eggs out of cardboard boxes! We also did a scavenger hunt. We are being provided with anything that we need for our lessons, such as paper to make a collage in Art and even the sewing machines for those in Art Textiles. I am really enjoying CRGS+ and wish that it was possible for everyone at home to come and join in!
CRGS+ has been an amazing way for children with key worker parents to learn and keep focused on their lessons. The teachers have been keeping us active and creative with fun challenges to participate in every day. Find the Teacher, an obstacle course, as well as a Geography quiz to test our flags and city skills, are only a few of the physical activities we have taken part in. The creative challenges range from origami to an egg drop. There are many things to do at break-time as well, including board games and physical challenges to reduce screen time. Staying off our screens increases our wellbeing in this difficult time. The teachers have done a fabulous job of supporting us through these trying times and are there for us every day.
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