We are continuing to review the most up-to-date information relating to COVID-19 on a daily basis. We receive updated information and guidance regularly from the Lancashire Education Authority, Public Health England, the Department for Education, the NHS and Gov.uk.
Due to the pace of this ever-changing situation we suggest that you click the following links for the most up-to-date, ‘live’ information.
Updates on COVID-19:
Guidance for educational settings:
Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:
At the moment, the advice is that no school should close in response to a suspected (or confirmed) COVID-19 case unless advised to do so by Public Health England.
As a school we are being as proactive as we can and are implementing the following actions:
- Educating the pupils about the importance of washing hands with soap, regularly, for 20 seconds.
- Putting appropriate advice around school eg Gov.uk posters, reminding students to wash their hands and promote good hygiene.
- Working with our cleaning staff to strengthen our regular, robust and thorough cleaning regime for regularly touched objects and surfaces.
- Carefully making contingency plans for possible changes to guidance as we move towards the ‘delay phase’ of the outbreak.
We have been contacted by a number of concerned parents and we do encourage open and honest dialogue relating to Coronavirus. However, we ask that you only contact school if you have any specific information relating to a confirmed COVID-19 case in or around our school community.
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