On 30th October, The Fell Bike & Triathlon Superstore in Clitheroe hosted a very special event – an Evening with Sir Bradley Wiggins. Mr Darrin Robinson, owner of The Fell, was kind enough to give a number of free tickets to students and staff of Clitheroe Royal Grammar School and I was one of the students lucky enough to receive a ticket. It was a night to remember as Bradley Wiggins has been my idol for a decade and I have travelled across Europe watching him race.
The evening was run as a talk between two old friends, Bradley Wiggins and fellow cyclist Rob Hayles in front of a crowded venue of around 200 people. This was a particularly special occasion as it was the prologue for Bradley’s forthcoming book tour. We all received signed copies of his new book – Icons. In the book, Bradley highlights 21 riders who have inspired and motivated him throughout his career. There is a beautiful range of unique pictures with photographs of jerseys worn by each of the riders.
Through the incredible two-hour show, Bradley and Rob discussed the impact each rider had on his career, with perhaps the most notable name mentioned in the cycling community being the great Eddy Merckx. We witnessed Bradley’s avid cycling passion and extraordinary knowledge of cycling’s history. Some members of staff and I managed to receive reserved front row seats! For me, it was quite a strange and awe-inspiring event. There I was hearing Bradley talk about his heroes and how he used to have posters of them in his bedroom in Kilburn. He spoke about watching them on TV and going out on his bike and pretending he was Johan Museeuw or Sean Yates. Meanwhile I sat there, directly in front of Bradley, thinking about how I literally have a poster of him at the foot of my bed and try and be him out on the road! While Bradley talked of his heroes, I listened to mine.
To cap off a wonderful evening enjoyed by everyone, I was lucky enough to have my photograph taken with Sir Bradley Wiggins – the perfect way to end a brilliant event.
Thank you to The Fell bike shop for kindly giving tickets to our school.
George Poole
Head Boy, Sixth Form
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