We are celebrating the outstanding A Level results achieved by our students today. Our students have worked incredibly hard to achieve these amazing results. 60% of all grades were awarded at A*-B and 83% of grades were awarded at A*-C. These results are truly a reflection of the dedication and commitment of every single one of our students and their teachers.
118 students gained 3 or more A Levels at A*-B, and 208 students gained 3 or more A Levels at A*-C, which is an excellent achievement.
Students are delighted with their results and have been accepted on highly competitive courses at the most prestigious universities. We are incredibly proud of our students and absolutely delighted by this year’s A Level results. It has been lovely to see the students’ excitement and happiness when they received their results today. We wish them every success in their future careers. Our talented staff have worked tirelessly to support the students and deserve the highest praise.
Clitheroe Royal Grammar School has an impressive reputation for the number of students who go on to study Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine.
In addition, we are particularly pleased by the large number of students studying Maths, Computer Science, Engineering and Physics at the most prestigious universities.
Judith Child
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