Over the summer I was fortunate enough to attend two STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses – Girls into Physics at Royal Holloway College in London and an Aeronautical Engineering course at the RAF Leeming military base. The Girls into Physics course gave me an insight in to what studying Physics at university would be like as it consisted of many interesting lectures on topics including string theory and condensed matter. I was also able to meet undergraduate and PhD students who spoke about how they got into Physics. Working in groups, we launched model rockets and gave presentations on a topic which we had researched. My group presented on the standard model of Particle Physics and Super Symmetry.
The Aeronautical Engineering course was an amazing opportunity which not only gave me a better knowledge of the RAF and the different careers it offers, but also meant I could meet and work with other girls hoping to pursue a career in STEM. Over the week the activities ranged from changing tyres, meeting pilots and watching them take off, to making ethernet cables and experimenting with liquid oxygen and nitrogen. During the course I achieved both the Silver Crest Award and the Silver Industrial Cadet Award and am hoping to start my Gold Awards for these soon!
Earlier in May, I attended a lecture given by Physicist, Professor Brian Cox. He spoke about topics ranging from the expansion of the universe to the potential for life on the exoplanets we have discovered. He was an engaging speaker and the evening was interesting, thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable.
Isabelle Crossley
Year 11
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