On Friday 7th July our Year 7 students took part in a Resilience Day in school. Three students report on the day:
There were 6 stations to visit: English, Spanish, Maths, French, Music and Science. In these stations we were included in various activities, some of which included matching words up to their definitions, clapping rhythms, solving puzzles and much more.
Resilience Day taught us to work in teams and keep on going. There was something for everyone no matter what we liked or how we learnt. Even though the day was challenging in parts, we all enjoyed ourselves and we would like to thank everyone for giving us this opportunity.
Xanthe Sherrington
My favourite activity was the French station. I thought it was the most practical and the most enjoyable. In the Maths activity we were given complicated problems to solve and in Science we had to use magnets to try and make a tower stand up. In the English activity we had to decide which of the spellings of some complex words were correct and then find the meaning of the words in a dictionary.
Adam Master
During the day we had to fill a passport with 6 stamps and the winning passport was picked out of a bin. It was a shame I didn’t win the sweets or chocolate prize but I learnt quite a lot on this day and the activities were great fun.
Jessica Mathew
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