On 20th January, a group of CRGS Science students attended the Castle Head Field Study Centre at Grange-over-Sands to take part in a two-day Astronomy Masterclass with three other schools. One of our students reports on the visit:
“The Astronomy Masterclass was a huge success. As Declan Boyd, a member of the group said: ‘It was excellent and I enjoyed every minute of it. An absolutely astounding trip!’
The weather was utterly perfect for stargazing and we were clearly able to see Betelgeuse and some students even spotted the Andromeda Galaxy using the telescopes available!
We enjoyed a talk by Chris Aldridge, who is a local astronomy expert, on Enceladus, Saturn’s sixth-largest moon and we also had the opportunity to work together as a team on our presentations on travelling to Mars. The presentations from all four schools were brilliant but we are pleased to report that Clitheroe Royal Grammar School won overall!
Speaking on behalf of the group, I am pleased to say that we learnt a great deal and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and have come away inspired to know more.”
Libby Crossley
Year 8
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