On Thursday 8th September the new intake of Year 12 students took part in a Skills Workshop and Team-Building day as part of the Sixth Form Induction. During the day, all students attended a workshop at The Parish Hall, entitled ‘Bridging the Gap’ and hosted by Positively MAD. This provided a realistic look at the demands of Sixth Form and provided an introduction to the core skills needed to cope with those demands.
Designed to equip students with a range of tools and techniques to promote self-study, independent learning and research, the workshop provided guidance on how to manage the transition from GCSE Level work to A-Level. It helped us understand how we should balance our school work and social lives and how we should manage the workload.
The other part of the day was spent in school, in our Form Groups. We were split into sub groups and took part in an enjoyable ice-breaking quiz where we had to identify corporate logos. This was followed by a team-building activity whereby we had to design a new children’s play unit which we then had to build using money and supplies provided. At the end of the session we had to present our concept to a judging panel made up of ‘retailers’. As well as creating our ideas we also had to come up with a company name, a logo and tell the judge if we were on budget. The winning group received a prize for their proposal.
Overall the day helped students to form new bonds and friendships within form groups and learn more about how we should use our time wisely over the next two years.
Anna Hunt and Emma Fox
Year 12
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